Creating a Vision

I think this is the most amazing part of the journey which includes all the hopes, dreams, manifesting and your inner gut intuition. I always said, this is my favorite place where you put one foot in the inner part of the door and the other part outside where you can envision what your future will hold. It's all about inventing and reinventing yourself along the way. You know what works and as crazy as it sounds these are things that really make you feel nervous, anxious and a little taken back. Once you have all these in place you now see all the necessary actions to where you need to be. It's about being grateful, showing gratitude and in the interim of things don't work for reasons and known and honestly I tend to not question those things anymore. If you asked me a few years ago why certain things went the way they did I would've told you let's dig deeper to find out. I’ve had to learn these lessons the hard way. But I always say God has a plan for all of us… Sometimes we get so curious and wrapped up on the unknown that in all reality God had a way that prevented me from knowing. Creating a vision comes doesn't always come in a the way we wanted… And that can consist of any forms. I'd like to say that I used to be a planner and have since learned that planning is not always the right way. Creating a vision is you visualizing where you would like to be within 2, 5 or even 10 years and setting those goals keeping it real and having the right people along side of you and tools available to you.




Meltdowns, Disconnects, &Overwhelmed